Mindful In May

Can I just start by saying, Holy Shit: Daft Punk.


It’s a multifaceted hyperspace of colour and texture. It’s a journey, it’s this amazing sound. It’s slipping into a warm bed of funk and falling through to another dimension.

Listen to it here.

While I’m on the topic of sounds and listening, I guess I can segue into talking about Mindful in May without too much of a jolt.

What’s Mindful in May, you might be asking? Well, it’s a charity-based month-long mindfulness meditation practice where you donate a small fee and then are sent a daily meditation to complete at your leisure. I had some friends that did it last year, so when it came around this year I made sure I got involved.

They’ve put something out on their site asking that we answer a couple of questions, so here are mine:

1. What is something new you have discovered about mindfulness meditation or being mindful since starting MIM?

That I enjoy greater attention to the wider world when I meditate. Also, that I am less inclined to want to listen to music on my phone when I meditate because I don’t want to shut the world out – I want to hear everything and be present!

2. Have you noticed any benefits, big or small, since starting the challenge? Share!

I am more calm, peaceful and level-headed. Always a big bonus when you work long hours and feel the frustration of not being able to have much ‘me’ time. You don’t need to set aside special ‘me’ time to be successful in chilling out. Down time can be as simple as being quietly mindful a moment at a time in the midst of your day’s goings-on.

3. What are some of the challenges you’ve experienced so far with respect to meditation or mindfulness practice?

Doing it every day! Same as everyone else, I’m sure 🙂 But being kind to myself when I forget, that’s a challenge too. The urge to scold myself mentally becomes less present the more I meditate.

4. Why do you meditate?

Because I need to. Simple as that. If and when I don’t, my life becomes that little bit harder. Taking time out to train my mind to follow thoughts less and to focus on the present moment more is a necessary thing for me.

5. Anything else?

I urge people to sign up for next year, read about mindfulness and try it out for themselves. It can help anyone, at any time and is invaluable in remembering not to sweat the small stuff.

Welp, that’s me done –  now I’m gonna lie back on my bed and carry on listening to the liquid noise honey that is this amazing album.

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