It only gets easier

We've all done it: started a new project or picked up a new hobby or past-time and made grand plans to make it part of our lives, and yet a few weeks down the track it's been abandoned like an old onion bagel. What is it, exactly, that makes it so hard for us to stick at something, particularly when you know that that 'something' is good for you, like running or stopping drinking alone on Tuesdays?

Day Ten: Party Tips and Outfits

Well, I went out last night and learned a thing or two about how to party in Berlin... First of all, don't even think of going out to a club before 1am. There won't be anyone there.  Bars get going around 9 or 10pm, maybe even later and in summer it doesn't get dark until … Continue reading Day Ten: Party Tips and Outfits

Seek, and ye shall find.

So, this post is about pillows. Soft, delicious pillows. And alcohol. I'm currently lying on my bed (which resembles a cloud) with my head nestled in some delectable pillows. End segment on pillows, commence segment about alcohol. I went out drinking again last night, and today it almost feels as though it may just be … Continue reading Seek, and ye shall find.